Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Prior to the 15th century, the ocean
posed a barrier between the various socieities of the world. Humanity's ability to traverse the ocean was
the tipping point of recent history, as disparate geographies were now acessible to each other. Trade of
spices, cultures, and ideas between foreign lands has ushered in an era of globalization that shapes
every aspect of our lives today.
The ocean still has potential to continue revolutionizing life on Earth. In the face of growing climate
crises, wave energy could serve as a new source of renewable energy. Wave energy is much more reliable, and
an order of magnitude more powerful than wind energy, according to
[1]. One vital
of wave energy is wave height.
Beyond renewable energy, wave height plays an important role in commercial shipping, for both boat activity
as well as port operations
[3]. Additionally, water sports like surfing rely on
accurate predictions of wave
heights. The global market for surfing is estimated to reach $5.5 billion by 2030
and companies like
Surfline play a crucial role in the industry by providing surf forecasts.
Given the importance of wave heights, many approaches to wave forecasting have been devised. WAVEWATCHCIII
(Tolman, 1991), a physically-based engineering model, is still widely used in practice today. However,
numerical solver
[5], which are computationally intensive and make assumptions of
Recently, deep learning methods have been proposed to perform wave forecasting, including LSTM
[9] and transformer based approaches
[8]. However, the current
considers the forecasting task for a single buoy, given the previous data from that buoy. Since wave energy
throughout the ocean,
it is reasonable to assume that past wave data from nearby locations will be relevant to the prediction
task. This project
explores the impact of providing the model with data from nearby buoys for the prediction task of wave
Luckily for researchers, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a division of the US
of commerce, collects data on ocean condititions from buoys stationed around the world. Using this data, I
train a transformer-based
neural network to predict wave heights. I modify the standard transformer architecture by utilizing custom
dataset generation logic,
which allows for the inclusion of wave data from nearby, offshore buoys to provide additional context to the
prediction task at nearshore locations.